Two Moms with Two Dead Kids: When Your Child Dies From a Drug Overdose
Join two moms who talk about what it's like when your child dies from a drug overdose, and what life is like after a drug overdose death.
Warning: Conversations may contain triggering material, dark and irreverent humor, and possible cursing.
Want to contact us with a thought or topic for discussion? Send us an email at: twomomswithtwodeadkids@gmail.com.
Two Moms with Two Dead Kids: When Your Child Dies From a Drug Overdose
The Power of Writing It Down
Neither of us is a journaler, although DeAnne recently bought a journal with good intentions. What we can attest to, though, is the power of spontaneous writing exercises to help us understand and see ourselves in different ways.
DeAnne discusses her first experience with a writing prompt, a tool many counselors use to help the ones they work with move forward on their healing journeys. Astrid also has experience with writing prompts, and ended up writing about her experience in a different way.