Two Moms with Two Dead Kids: When Your Child Dies From a Drug Overdose
Join two moms who talk about what it's like when your child dies from a drug overdose, and what life is like after a drug overdose death.
Warning: Conversations may contain triggering material, dark and irreverent humor, and possible cursing.
Want to contact us with a thought or topic for discussion? Send us an email at: twomomswithtwodeadkids@gmail.com.
46 episodes
What Helps? A Look at Ketamine
Are we sad or are we depressed? Is there a difference? Sometimes we feel like we need a different kind of help. In this episode, DeAnne brings up the topic of depression and Astrid talks about her ketamine experience.&nb...
Season 1
Episode 46

Finding Meaning
What now, after a loss like this?How do we find purpose and meaning in our everyday lives?We need that connection - to be seen and heard.
Season 1
Episode 45

Revisiting Early Grief
Sometimes we find ourselves revisiting the early days of grief. What do we remember about those early days? How far have we come from there? What are the things that trigger those memories? We discuss.
Season 1
Episode 44

Losses and Gains
In addition to our children, what else have we lost in the aftermath of their deaths? Have we gained anything? Does hope have anywhere to land in our lives after this?
Season 1
Episode 43

Chalk It Up To Grief (or stress, anxiety, worry, fear....)
Both DeAnne and Astrid experienced physical changes they chalked up to grief. In early grief especially, it can be hard to differentiate between the changes we go through. Is it grief or something else?We change in other ways, too. DeAnn...
Season 1
Episode 42

Finding Community
How do you find your people? Are there people out there like us and like you? We KNOW there are. How do we find them?
Season 1
Episode 41

Food, Grief, and Healing
In this episode, DeAnne and Astrid discuss food and grief. What associations do we have between our children who are gone and any foods they might have loved? Do we still make those things? The conversation segues into a discussion...
Season 1
Episode 40

Taking a Break From Grief
Sometimes we need to take a break from the work of grief. When your child dies from a drug overdose, the work can be endless. In the end, the timing of our work is our own, the pace is our own. We do what we can, when we can.
Season 1
Episode 39

A Chance Encounter
A chance encounter can rock your world. Astrid talks about a recent encounter she had at the grocery store with the mother of the girl her son loved.
Season 1
Episode 38

What's In a Name? Introducing: Prolonged Grief Disorder
After a few minutes of the last dregs of Christmas talk, Astrid and DeAnne discuss the fact that what has been known to us as Complicated Grief has undergone a name change to Prolonged Grief Disorder. Are we disordered? When your c...
Season 1
Episode 37

A Post Holiday Review
Each holiday season will be different. This year, both of us experienced Christmas differently than we had before. It was "better," a shift had occurred, and at the same time letting go of loss is hard.
Season 1
Episode 36

Waking Up
At some point, we begin to wake up to our present surroundings. Maybe we realize we want a new top, or want to change the way our furniture is arranged. When we wake up to our surroundings, is it a sign of re-entry into the world? An acknowledg...
Season 1
Episode 35

Lightening the Load of Grief
What are some things we can do to lighten the load of grief after a death by overdose? We talk about some of the experiences that have helped us shift our response to our children's deaths. Getting unstuck is an adjustment. We beco...
Season 1
Episode 34

A Thanksgiving Review
DeAnne and Astrid discuss how their Thanksgivings went. A theme that came up - how do you know when it's time to make a change? We get so ingrained in our habits that sometimes it doesn't occur to us that we can stop doing the thin...
Season 1
Episode 33

When you experience a devastating loss, friendships can change. Sometimes for the worse, and sometimes for the better. In this episode, Astrid brings her friend Stacey on to talk about how their friendship has changed since the death of her son...
Season 1
Episode 32

Searching for That Connection
One of the things I miss most is my sense of connection to my son. I lost it when he died, and now I'm always looking for ways to reconnect. Do you, too? In this episode, Astrid and Kevin discuss different means of connecting to th...
Season 1
Episode 31

My Ayahuasca Experience - as the Parent of a Child Who Died of a Drug Overdose
The title says it all.
Season 1
Episode 30

Giving In
In this episode, we discuss the benefits of "giving in." Giving in to how we feel. Giving in to the moment. Letting go of the need to get things done.Sometimes, after trauma, we go through a process of redefining what's important in our...
Season 1
Episode 29

The Power of Writing It Down
Neither of us is a journaler, although DeAnne recently bought a journal with good intentions. What we can attest to, though, is the power of spontaneous writing exercises to help us understand and see ourselves in different ways. D...
Season 1
Episode 28

Why Aren't We Divorced?
Kevin and Astrid continue their conversation while DeAnne is away. Kevin talks about the different ways he deals with grief, which doesn't currently include therapy. Why is that and what does he do in its place? We talk about our c...
Season 1
Episode 27

A Husband. A Father. Introducing Kevin, Garrett's Dad.
DeAnne is out of town, so Astrid invites her husband Kevin, Garrett's dad, to sit in. What are some of the differences in how two parents can grieve the same child? Do we see the same events differently? Kevin gives his take on the...
Season 1
Episode 26

Does Your Mother Know Where You Are?
DeAnne and Astrid discuss an interview Astrid watched with a mother whose son committed suicide. It prompted them to touch on whether their own children's deaths were accidental, or not. How do you know if an overdose death was accidental? Does...
Season 1
Episode 25

Let's Talk Gabor Maté
Gabor Maté is a Canadian physician and addiction expert. (In our conversation I called him a psychologist - sorry.) In this episode we discuss his book, The Myth of Normal, and what we took away from it. One of DeAnne's biggest imp...
Season 1
Episode 24

The List
Here we visit The List - topics that have come up for us in our grief journeys that we feel would be worth discussion. What's on the list? What are the things we have faced or continue to face in the process of coming to terms with a death by o...
Season 1
Episode 23

An Accidental Conversation About Animals - the Pets We Love
In this conversation, we start out discussing the rituals and habits we form to get us through the day. and what happens when these get disrupted. It's interesting to think about how we rebuild ourselves and our days after the deaths of our chi...
Season 1
Episode 22