Two Moms with Two Dead Kids: When Your Child Dies From a Drug Overdose
Join two moms who talk about what it's like when your child dies from a drug overdose, and what life is like after a drug overdose death.
Warning: Conversations may contain triggering material, dark and irreverent humor, and possible cursing.
Want to contact us with a thought or topic for discussion? Send us an email at: twomomswithtwodeadkids@gmail.com.
Two Moms with Two Dead Kids: When Your Child Dies From a Drug Overdose
Giving In
In this episode, we discuss the benefits of "giving in." Giving in to how we feel. Giving in to the moment. Letting go of the need to get things done.
Sometimes, after trauma, we go through a process of redefining what's important in our lives. Our goals are reduced. What it means to accomplish something has a different definition.
We have found that focusing on the present moment is helpful. Everyday tasks can become meditative. We experience the moment.